Unleashing Possibilities, Driving Success

Dive into our extensive range of services specifically crafted to transform your global growth aspirations into tangible success.

Company Formation and Secretary Services

In the dynamic world of global business, establishing a company in a new country can be a daunting task. We at PDMC are well-versed with the intricacies of Sri Lankan corporate laws, handling all facets of company formation, from registration to secretarial duties. Our team ensures a seamless integration of your business within the local legal framework, dealing with permits, legal paperwork, and other formalities. We ensure that your company complies with all regulations, enabling you to focus on your core business strategy.

Private Banking Support

Navigating the banking landscape in a foreign country can be challenging. Our Private Banking Support is designed to simplify this process. We assist in establishing and managing local banking relationships, facilitate regular transactions, and ensure strict compliance with local regulations. PDMC acts as your financial operations' backbone, allowing you to conduct business in Sri Lanka with ease and confidence.

Office Space Solutions

A productive workspace can significantly enhance team morale and efficiency. PDMC’s Office Space Solutions are all about matching your specific needs with the right environment. Whether you're a small team needing a co-working space or a larger operation requiring a dedicated office, we find the perfect workspace for you. As your team grows, our solutions scale with your needs, ensuring your physical presence in Sri Lanka is always optimally suited to your requirements.

Accounting and Auditing

Accuracy in accounting and compliance with auditing standards are vital for your overseas operation. Our team at PDMC manages your company's accounting needs, ensuring precise record-keeping, and complete financial transparency. Additionally, our auditing services adhere strictly to local norms, providing an extra layer of financial assurance and bolstering your business credibility.

Payroll Management

Our Payroll Management service ensures that your overseas employees are paid accurately and on time. We handle all aspects of payroll, including computation, disbursement, and local tax deductions. Our meticulous attention to detail, combined with our understanding of Sri Lanka's tax regulations, provides a seamless payroll experience for you and your team.

HR Management

Building a thriving overseas team requires more than just hiring; it requires effective Human Resource Management. PDMC offers comprehensive HR solutions, from policy creation to day-to-day operations management. We address employee queries, handle grievances, and foster a work culture that encourages growth, satisfaction, and productivity.

Talent Acquisition and Team Management

At PDMC, we understand the importance of finding the right talent and managing them effectively. Our Talent Acquisition service focuses on selecting the best tech minds in Sri Lanka that align with your company's culture and objectives. Our Team Management service ensures that your team is efficiently managed, maintaining a productive work environment that aligns with your company's values.

PR and Legal Services

Maintaining a positive public image and dealing with legal issues is crucial for your company's success in Sri Lanka. PDMC's PR and Legal Services are designed to manage your company's reputation and handle any legal hurdles that might arise. We work to maintain your company's positive standing in the community while ensuring your operations are compliant with local legal requirements.